Monday, March 17, 2014

Lily is 4 Months Old!

Lily is now 4 months! Where is the time going?! Lily had her 4 month check up a few days ago. Poor Lily had her shots and reacted bad to them that night. There was a 2 hour period where she was screaming and crying and nothing would calm her down. I felt so bad!

 Here are her 4 month stats:

Lily weighs 14 lbs 12 oz. (60%)
and is 24.9 inches long (75%)

She is wearing 3-6 month clothes but primarily 6 months

Lily is the most social baby you will meet 

She has started belly laughing this week and it is always at Gavin! She thinks he is hilarious! 

Lily loves attention. She is becoming quite needy actually

She can almost roll over all the way from her back to stomach, but she doesn't even want to try her stomach to back. She loathes tummy time!

She is the happiest baby and she is a dream!

Happy baby before her shots

Gavin at the Drs. office

1 comment:

  1. Your kids are adorable! So cute!


Thanks for showing us some love!